
Showing posts from October, 2024

Error is Infinite and Chaotic

A conversation with a colleague the other day prompts me to explain in more detail why I think myself and most of those like me are wasting our lives. I have already explained that I think analytic philosophy is a degenerative research programme building shoddy structures from inadequate material. But the sunny optimism of Daniel Stoljar's engaging book has given me the tools to explain in somewhat more detail where exactly my worries lie. Stoljar makes a rough and ready division of questions one may ask into three sorts: topic questions, big questions, and small questions. I will give a slightly wrong description of his division here to suit my purposes. Topic questions are agenda setting big picture concerns that get a person wondering in the first place, the driving curiosity that lie behind whole swathes of inquiry. They are or can be pretty vague and high level -- "What's everything made out of?" "How can I live a good life?" etc. Big questions are