Learning From Four Analytic Philosophy Wins

I have been somewhat pessimistic about analytic philosophy (including my own specifically ) on this blog. While I have hosted other voices , at least in my own meta-philosophical musings the tone has been somewhat doomerish. Well, I wouldn't want to let it be said that I am in any way consistent, and in any case it's been a bit too long since I posted on here so thought I would throw out a low effort crowd pleaser. So herein I will outline some things that I think analytic philosophy has unambiguously done well at, and try to draw general lessons from them. (Apologies about the length between posts, I really do mean for these to be about one a month and I have failed at that lately. I am actually working on a longer post it's just taking more time than I anticipated and events keep interfering. As the poet said, life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.) Democritus having an absolute blast. To be clear on some terminology, I am not going to be too ...